In software development, one of the key factors is to deliver fast and in high quality. Our AiU Certified GenAI-Assisted Test Engineer Training will help you to use AI in order to constantly become more efficient. You will learn to use the possibilities of Generative AI in your daily work routines in all your testing activities.
3 days
9:00 am - 5:00 pm daily (CET time zone)
Languages available: English,German
Regular price: 1650.00€ plus VAT.
Early bird discount (until 8 weeks): 1485.00€ plus VAT.
On-site course: 3:00 p.m. on the last day of the course / Online course: exam day and time freely selectable
60 minutes
Test type: multiple choice
Examination Fee: 250.00€ plus VAT.
Advice: Non-native speakers are eligible for additional exam time
AiU Certified GenAI-Assisted Test Engineer