If you have already completed the IREB Requirements Engineer Foundation Level certification, you can learn in this training which methods and tools you can use for efficient requirements management.
Oops, we are just planning the next course dates! It takes some more days until we are ready.
Meanwhile please contact Sabrina or Tina: training@trendig.com or +49 30 7476280. We can already tell you when the next courses will take place nearby your location.
3 days
9:00 am - 5:00 pm daily (CET time zone)
Regular price: 1690.00€ plus VAT.
Early bird discount (until 8 weeks): 1690.00€ plus VAT.
Syllabus: CPRE Requirements Management
Advice: training in cooperation with Spirit in Projects
Last day of the training or online
Part 1: 75 minutes; Part 2: 12 months
Test type: Part 1: Multiple choice test; Part 2: elaboration of a case study
Examination Fee: 730.00€ plus VAT.
Advice: For each module there are two stages: Practitioner and Specialist
IREB® Requirements Management