Selenium has become one of the most popular testing tools for automating software testing. This comprehensive training is expertly designed to teach you how to use Selenium with maximum efficiency and also provides you with invaluable hands-on experience.
3 days
9:00 am - 6:00 pm daily (CET time zone)
Languages available: English
Regular price: 1495.00€ plus VAT.
Early bird discount (until 8 weeks): 1345.50€ plus VAT.
Syllabus: SeU Certified Selenium Engineer Syllabus
Advice: Course material in English language
multiple choice
On-site course: 4:00 p.m. on the course's last day / Online course: exam day and time freely selectable
60 minutes
Test type: multiple choice
Examination Fee: 200.00€ plus VAT.
SeU - Certified Selenium Engineer (CSE)