If you work in the IT industry or are interested in a career in software development, you may have already come across …
The ISTQB Syllabus forms the basis for all ISTQB certifications. ISTQB stands for International Software Testing Qualif…
Requirements engineering is the art of identifying, analyzing and precisely defining requirements, documenting them cle…
Imagine you are working on an important project and the requirements are constantly changing. Your team loses track and…
ISTQB certification is an important milestone for software testers who want to expand their knowledge and skills in the…
Organisations want to build products that are not just functional but also scalable, performant and secure. To achieve …
Agile software development projects are on the upswing. Even the most conservative organizations are now developing the…
Condition coverage, not only for developers
Many testers are considering or already using test design techniques, allowi…
An environment of trust is one of the many hidden assumptions of the initial Agile Movement. Corporate environments tha…
This is how the career paths according to the "ISTQB(R) Certified Tester" scheme currently look like:
In December 2019 t…
Hi Arjan, you are a master trainer for a course called "Agile Testing for the Whole Team". What's the course about?
It i…
Since 2001 we have the Agile Manifesto in place and since then the whole IT industry is learning to use agile principle…
Are you in charge of software projects at your company and facing problems with your software? Do you want to improve t…