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istqb software testing

Certified Tester help teams in companies to efficiently test newly developed software or new software releases for compliance with the requirements defined for their use and to measure the quality. Software defects are found reliably and at an early stage, and are fixed quickly and in a targeted manner. Customers and users thus receive sufficiently tested products that meet the respective requirements for functionality, security and cost-effectiveness. Various test strategies are intended to achieve a large test coverage with the smallest possible number of test cases. Our ISTQB training courses educate you in software testing and prepare you for the certification exam.

Become ISTQB certified tester

In its continuous industry-oriented education standard, the international non-profit association ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) dedicates itself to the continuous improvement and development of the software testing profession. It maintains a course portfolio of Foundation, Advanced, and Expert level training courses and certification exams that are designed to provide software testers with a common set of best practices for their everyday work.

The "ISTQB Certified Tester" certificate has become a standard qualification for software testers in almost all industries. In our ISTQB courses we prepare you for your exam to become an ISTQB Certified Tester for the Foundation Level Exams as well as for all Advanced Level Exams. Our pass rates for the ISTQB Certified Tester exam are between 90 and 100 percent, depending on the ISTQB scheme. Please check for yourself - we are proud of the skills and knowledge of our trainers.

Overview ISTQB topics

Software testing topics highlighted in the ISTQB include:

  • Basics, terms, principles
  • The test process (planning, monitoring & control, analysis, design, realization, execution, completion)
  • Test design process
  • Test specification methods/test design procedures

(Black box test design method: Equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, decision table testing, condition-based test, use case-based test; 

White-box test design procedures: statement, decision and condition coverage).

  • Dynamic and static test techniques (static analysis, reviews)
  • Realize, execute and evaluate tests
  • Testing in the software lifecycle (test types, test levels, e.g. module/component testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing)
  • Plan, prioritize and control tests
  • Setting up test teams, roles, qualifications
  • Test automation and tools
  • mobile testing
  • embedded testing
  • security testing

ISTQB Certification

The »ISTQB Certified Tester« programme is a globally recognised, manufacturer- and product-independent, standardised education and training scheme for software testers. Software testing is to be professionalised and institutionalised as part of quality management as a structured and planned process of validation and verification of software products. The job description of the software tester includes knowledge and techniques that enable a structured and systematic approach to checking and testing software. In this way, the quality of software can be secured or increased in the long term and costs can be saved in the development process.

More than one million ISTQB Certified Testers have already been trained and certified worldwide. The training scheme is aimed at software experts from all sectors (automotive industry, financial services, medical technology, telecommunications, public administration, etc.) and is currently divided into the Core area with the Foundation Level (1 module), Advanced Level (3 modules) and Expert Level (2 modules) certifications, which build on one another, as well as further modules in different areas, the so-called Agile and Specialist modules..

Trendig offers almost all seminars of the ISTQB Certified Tester programme as public seminars in Berlin or Hamburgoder all over Germany or as online courses worldwide. We teach in German, English, Spanish and Dutch. trendig can also customize all offers to the needs of our customers and their everyday challenges in project work.

You can read more about ISTQB certification in our blog interview!

ISTQB examination

The examination to become an "ISTQB Certified Tester" can be taken after the training either on-site immediately or as an online examination at home or in a test centre. For the latter, training participants need an ISTQB examination voucher, which trendig is happy to request from the independent certification institute for each course participant. Some prefer to take the exam directly after the training, because at that point what they have learned is still fresh in their minds, others prefer to separate the training and the exam in order to have more time for individual ISTQB exam preparation. Trendig supports both forms and offers coaching and support beyond the classroom training.

The exams are conducted by an independent certification company authorised by the ISTQB. The exams for "ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level" and "ISTQB Certified Tester - Advanced Level" are multiple-choice tests and cover the entire syllabus content. The duration of the Foundation Level exam is 60 minutes. The exam duration for the Advanced Level and Specialist certifications ranges from 60 to 180 minutes. Non-native speakers can apply for an extension of the exam duration. To pass the exam, a minimum of 65% of the maximum score must be achieved. The pass rates for participants of trendigs ISTQB courses have been above 90% for all ISTQB certifications for years.

Prerequisite for the examination for the "ISTQB Certified Tester: Advanced Level" is the passed examination for the "ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level" and proof of at least 18 months of experience in the field of software testing (confirmation from the employer or reference customers).

After passing the exam once, the ISTQB certificate is valid for life, a later recertification is not necessary. 

You can read about how you can best prepare for the ISTQB exam outside of the training in our blog post on preparing for the ISTQB exam.

If you wish to read more on agile testing strategies, read our blog post!

Terms from ISTQB Software Testing

Some particularly important terms that ISTQB testers should also be familiar with are:


test strategy

A systematic testing strategy (e.g. risk-based testing or specification-based testing) should consider the following aspects:

1. functionality of the software (correctness, completeness, appropriateness)

2. reliability (maturity, fault tolerance, reproducibility)

3. usability (understandability, learnability)

4. performance efficiency (performance, load, stress):

5. maintainability (how easily the software can be modified without limiting stability and testability, including compliance to coding guidelines and complexity metrics).

6. portability (how easily the software can be ported to another system, browser, operating system, data base, but also organizational portability)

7. security (authenticity, protection of data against unauthorized access, e.g. through data encryption)

8. compatibility (interoperability: how compatible is the software in processing data with and from other systems?; co-existence: systems do not negatively affect each other, e.g. resource conflicts).

If you wish to read more on agile testing strategies, read our blog post!

test design

The test strategy is used to create targeted test cases that adhere to and support specific criteria of the software under test. Based on the requirements of the system to be tested, the necessary test procedures are designed and the test data is compiled. Existing test plans and test specifications are reviewed, e.g. to increase test coverage.

The Syllabus teaches common test techniques, such as:

  • Black-box test design techniques: 
    • Equivalence partitioning, 
    • Boundary value analysis, 
    • Decision table testing, 
    • State-based testing, 
    • Use case based testing; 
  • White-box test design techniques (Statement, Decision and Condition coverage), 
  • Exploratory testing
  • Requirements based testing
  • Business process based testing
  • Static testing like reviews/inspections, code analysis

test management

Test management creates a cost-effective test strategy that plans the test effort along quality objectives, product and project risks. The test manager is responsible for controlling the test activities, coaching the test team, implementing the test plan effectively and efficiently, creating test and defect reports, and objectively evaluating the quality and release maturity of the product, because this information is an important contribution to the go-live decision by management.

test automation

The automation of software tests should replace time-consuming manual testing and sustainably increase test efficiency: Accelerated execution, unlimited re-runnability and independence from test personnel are the benefits sought by this approach, for example in the case of frequently repeated regression tests. The right automation architecture helps to avoid high testing effort, high customization costs, lack of robustness and lack of transparency as well as wrong tooling decisions and high maintenance effort.

test types

A test type is focused on a specific test objective, such as reliability testing, regression testing, usability testing. The test type may also refer to one or more test levels or phases. Some examples taught by the ISTQB standard are:

  • Functional testing
  • Non-functional testing
  • Load and performance testing
  • Internationalization testing
  • Localization testing
  • Compatibility testing
  • Security testing
  • Usability testing
  • Documentation testing

Mobile Testing

Mobile first has arrived in software development - cell phones and tablets are already the main device for many users for private, on business trips or in the home office also for professional research and collaborative activities. Clear structures, intuitive usability, unlimited functionality, fast response times, low use of storage capacity, and energy efficiency are just a few of the keywords that have priority here. Given the diversity of end devices and platforms, a large number of different combinatorial scenarios arise, which pose major challenges for software quality assurance and software testing.

trendig has a Mobile App Testlab ready for this purpose and has co-written a book on the subject in German language: Basiswissen Mobile App Testing ISBN 978-3-86490-748-7. You can read an interview with our colleague and book co-author Björn on our blog!

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Contact persons

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steffen flegel

rock in the training surf +49 30 747628-0
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sabrina horn

training services maestra +49 30 747628-0
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bettina schoch

training journey composer +49 30 747628-0 bettina-schoch